"The mild mid-life crisis is already in its mid-twenties. What do I want in my life anyway? Am I on the right track? Do I have the right job? Children? Travel? Unicorns?

Like an onion, we peeled my life apart. Even today I am still amazed by the imprints that shape our beliefs. I have learned how to let go, forgive and gain new trust.


I am grateful to you for coming into my life!"


N. B. from Zurich 


"Fear and panic attacks were my daily companions. I couldn't leave the house without medication.

After only a few sessions I felt much better. I was able to reactivate my strengths and my self-confidence. Finally got out of the snail shell and left shame behind me.


I appreciate her openness, cheerful manner, professionalism and dedication that she brings to me every time."


J. Y. from Zurich


"When I met Rahel in Sri Lanka on her second last day, I told her about my insomnia (not being able to fall asleep & waking up at night). We agreed on the deal that I would teach her to surf the next day and that she would devote her time to therapy.

After only a few minutes after the preliminary talk I met my 4-year-old self in a hypnotic state. We neutralized some situations related to my insomnia and strengthened my self-confidence. Since this session I have been feeling great, can sleep well again after years and surf more than 3 meters high waves.


Thank you for your compassion, Rahel!"


L. G. from Munich



"Because of my hay fever allergy I had itchy eyes, runny noses and a scratchy throat that I even woke up several times during the night because of it. A session at Rahel has already been enough to get rid of the hay fever allergy. With her great empathy and understanding for the cause of hay fever allergy, we were able to dissolve it. I still can't believe this was possible.


I am eternally grateful to her for that!"


J. K. from Winterthur


"During my apprenticeship as a hairdresser, I got rashes on both hands. Itching, dryness and blood was my daily routine for 10 years. No one knew what to do and I was desperate!

Today, I can do anything I want without cortisone.


With Rahel, I feel comfortable and in good hands."


T. M. from Zurich


"When I see a spider, I am disgusted, get palpitations and I sweat! I had to stop my laundry after seeing a dead spider and couldn't enter the room anymore on the same day. 

Since I had one session I can plan a relaxed holiday again and am no longer afraid of spiders. I can enjoy my life again without restriction."


A. L. from Zurich  



Rahel J. Papis Therapy

dipl. Kinesiologin & Hypnosetherapeutin,

psychol. Astrologin

cert. Kinesiology & Hypnotherapist

psychol. Astrologer


Mobile / WhatsApp: +41787124432


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